VectorDraw Javascript Samples


Simple Entities:

In this sample several drawings can be opened through a combo box selection. Also zoom/pan/zoomExtends are being demonstrated among with layer/layout handling.

Add Entities:

In this sample some basic commands are being demonstrated for adding new entities to the drawing.

Entity Properties:

In this sample we show how you can click an entity and get it's properties like color , Xproperties , geometrical properties etc...

Basic Commands:

This sample shows some basic commands/user actions that can be implemented with our library. ZoomWindow , GetDistance among others are being Demonstrated. Our user can write his own commands using the knowledge inside commands.js which is open for use and changes.

Print Dialog

Print preview and adjust the printing of your drawings using our printer properties!!!!.

Web Cad

In this sample user can make a new drawing and save it as a vds file format.Also can open a vds file that user can produce from VDFcad which is included in the zip file that evaluators or customers will have already downloaded.

The Clock:

This is a small sample demonstrating how to manipulate with the entity's properties and with the help of a timer a clock is being displayed.


In this sample we load a standard graph drawing as background and manipulate with the values to show different types of graphs.

Clients Map:

In this sample we show a world map drawing that colors the countries (with code) depending the sales that each country has. Also the zoom is controled to show the map only (no unlimited zoom out).


A simple game using our web control Library.Dynamically move entities in real time.

3D Objects:

A simple webpage sample demonstrating 3D capabilities of VectorDraw web library.

Holiday card:

This sample is a demonstration of multiple vdWebControls in one page.The Keyboard , the colorpicker and also the greetings card are all created with multiple vdWebControls.More than one vdWebControls have been used for each element in order to increase drawing speed.

Vdraw Paint:

This is a simple paint example using VectorDraw web library controls.Enjoy...


Osnaps are available in web Control , check this demonstration sample.


Now you can add images dynamically in vdWeb library. Check the sample.


Actions are available in the web library. Move, scale and rotate commands can now be used on any browser. Check it out!


WebGL enabled in vdraw web library. Enjoy lightning fast 3D render.


In this sample we use an original drawing with a "route" polyline,we create an image and by using a timer we make the image to follow this "route" polyline.

3D Shapes Example:

In this sample we create some new 3d shapes and a HeatMap!!!


This sample shows how we can create a heatmap through VectorDraw WebControl.


New functionallity added in VectorDraw WebControl so the user is able to edit the vertices of vdLines,vdPolylines,vdTexts,vdRects,vdImages,vdInserts,vdCircles,vdArcs,vdEllipses,vdAttributes,vdPoints,by clicking on a vertice of one of these entities and drag it somewhere else.

Grid and crosshair:

This example is made to show the new functionality of the VectorDraw WebControl which is the Grid and the Crossline cursor.

GIS Example

This example is made to show how by using the VectorDraw WebLibrary we can easily create a GIS(geographic information system) example application by mapping an image, scale the drawing to the real world coordinating system and meassure areas and perimeters.

Custom Action

In this example we will show how we can create a custom action polyline and let the user decide on the fly if he wants to draw a closed polyline or not, be able to undo every segment of the polyline, or cancel the whole command action.

Custom Objects

Custom objects with user actions.

Convertion Server Example:

The project contains a web page with WebControl and VDF Web Service to view and convert between file formats. Contains information for distribution in Windows and Linux Servers.You can find this example if you download VectorDraw Samples and get this example from VectorDraw_net40_VS2017\Web extraction folder using the link on the image.