Order Form

Products and Services:
VectorDraw Developer Framework:

VectorDraw Developer Framework

amount} More Less 0 €

Renew VectorDraw Developer Framework subscription

amount } More Less 0 €

Additional VectorDraw Developers Framework Licenses

Choose the number of VDF license(s) that you own} More Less
Choose the number of extra license(s) you require} More Less 0 €
Web Server licenses LicVAL:

Web Server licenses LicVAL

Number of web servers } More Less 0 €
FileConverter Full:

FileConverter Full

New License } More Less 0 €
0 € total:

Billing Information:

need more info?

I have read, understood and I agree to the above agreement(s)

Additionally you can also download the VDF Annual Software Agreement, fill it out, sign it and either fax it to us at +30 210 9739159,
or mail it at the address listed on this page to receive it back signed by us.

Payment Details:

phone: +30 210 9739781, email: info@vdraw.com, address: 11 Kyrillou-Methodiou Street Glyfada, 16561 Athens, Greece.

Return Policy: All sales subject under our Return Policy
* Manditory fields, order can not be completed without entry field being filled in
*** Required for all upgrades or for renewing and should be version 6 serial or later. Serials from previous version will not work.
****VectorDraw Developer Framework (VDF) must be renewed every year.
** Required for all E.U. countries. Please enter your company’s VAT registration number in the field beside. If you don’t know if your company is VAT registered, please ask your Accounts Department who should be able to provide you with this number. If your company is not VAT registered then the price is plus + 23%.