Knowledge Base
Using VDF in Vista, Seven, Windows 8 / 10 and in x64 Windows
In order to use VDF libraries in Windows x64 (64bit) OS and/or Vista/Seven/Server2008 (32/64bit) you should follow some specific guidelines :
1) Always run the Development IDE (VS2005, Delphi, VB6, VS2008 or VS2010) as Administrator or as a user with administrative rights. In Vista/Seven/Server2008 run the developing environment (VisualStudio 2005 etc) use right click and "Run as Administrator" as Microsoft proposes. Check also if "ServicePack 1 for VS2005" plus the "VS 2005 SP1 update for Vista" is installed and that your IDE is fully updated.
Note: the vdAuthorizeApp.exe should be run as Administrator or as a user with administrative rights and in Vista/Seven/Server2008 with right click and "Run as Administrator" due to Microsoft's UAC.
2) In your development machine, if you have FileConverter
(Lite/Full) installed or VDF for CE, then make sure that are
exactly the same version and build date as the VDF components. If
they are not the same version then remove FileConverter and VDF
libraries and re-install them using the same version and date
setups. Also do not try the setups you build with VDF in your
development machine. Instead use a test machine.
3) In the VS2005/VS2008/VS2010 Project Configuration Manager use
"x86" build option if you want your executable to be able to run in
both 32bit and 64bit windows platforms as 32bit. If you want your
application to run as 32bit in x86 windows platforms and as 64bit
in x64 platforms then in Project Configuration Manager use the
"AnyCPU" build option. For "AnyCPU", and for VDF versions 6019 and
previous, you should use the VDF AnyCPU package libraries; In 6020
all the VDF DLLs are build AnyCPU so your don't need to download
the VDF AnyCPU package libraries. More information here
: New_AnyCPU_Package_and_SideBySide_(SxS)_installation
4)For versions 6019 and previous:In x64 Windows (like Vista x64, Seven x64, Server x64 and XP x64): use the pre-andpost- build events as described here : /Export6/60000073-Build_projects_in_64_or_32_bit_OS.htm This is not necessary for veriosns 6020 and above as the VDF dlls are AnyCPU build.
5) In your projects, make sure that the VDF dependencies have
"Copy Local" and "Specific Version" properties values FALSE
6) Every time that you install a different version of the
components then in your VS 2005 toolbox remove the VDF components
and re-add them using "Browse" and select them again (add to the
VS2005/VS2008 toolbox) from : [ProgramFiles]\VectorDraw\Common\60xx
or [ProgramFiles]\VectorDraw\Common folder.