VDF Articles

Returned 1606 results listed below

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70002626 Manage PDFImportProperties with PDFImport dialog

Category: Wish

Manage PDFImportProperties with PDFImport dialog

70002621 I wish I could change the color of the point cross showing the current point on the point dialog

Category: Wish

I wish I could change the color of the point cross showing the current point on the point dialog

70002614 I want a command to create bulges to a polyline from points that are very close to each other and they form an arc

Category: Wish

I want a command to create bulges to a polyline from points that are very close to each other and they form an arc

70002616 I wish for two more buttons in the point dialog that will remove inline and equal points

Category: Wish

I wish for two more buttons in the point dialog that will remove inline and equal points

70002619 Offset polyline to keep inline vertexes

Category: Wish

Offset polyline to keep inline vertexes

70002609 Webcontrol to support new Osnap modes Apparent Intersection and Apparent Extension

Category: Wish

Webcontrol to support new Osnap modes Apparent Intersection and Apparent Extension

70002606 New property to control if AddPixelsBound will be applied or not to Printer Output

Category: Wish

By default a pixel is added to selected printer window Need a new property to control if AddPixelsBound will be applied or not to Printer Output

70002601 I wish the cursor to lock on the Osnaps when they are visible like it does for the grips

Category: Wish

I wish the cursor to lock on the Osnaps when they are visible like it does for the grips

70002597 Visual imprevement of some cmd commands and actions

Category: Wish

Visual imprevement of some cmd commands and actions (Fillet, Extend, Trim, Offset, ExTrim and Break).

70002598 Change default value of SelectionPreview of vdDocument

Category: Wish

Change default value of SelectionPreview of vdDocument