VDF Articles

Returned 1601 results listed below

Howto General Wish All

60000358 Actual dimension's text in vdDimension Object

Category: Wish

Exported functions for vdDimension object to obtain the measurement and text displayed.

60000359 Compiled project is not working with other VDF version installed.

Category: HowTo

I have created a simple application that was compiled with VectorDraw control 6009. All VectorDraw dll references was compiled with Specific Version = false and Copy Local = false. This application works on machines with VectorDraw 6009 only and throw an exception if it run on VectorDraw 6011 machine. In the project I don't use any properties/methods/events that are in 6011 but missing or changed in 6009.

60000356 Edit/Change the triangle in the GroundSurface

Category: Wish

I would like to be able to edit/change/add the triangle in the GroundSurface object.

60000357 Set the delay time before displaying a tooltip

Category: HowTo

We use the VDraw tooltips for some drawing objects in our software. Today the tooltip were displayed exactly in the moment when the cursor moves over an object. Is it possible to set a delay (for example 2 seconds) before the tooltip were displayed?

60000355 CustomObjects to be exploded to simple objects before saving in DXF/DWG

Category: Wish

I cannot save custom objects to DXF/DWG files. I wish they could be saved not as custom object but as simple objects when saving DWG/DXF files.

60000349 During printing the DrawAfter Event fires multiple times with render.PrinterMode PRINT_PRINTER

Category: HowTo

Using vdProControl in C# and during printing the DrawAfter Event fires multiple times with render.PrinterMode = PRINT_PRINTER

60000342 Lock Layers Changes and new implementations.

Category: Wish

Selectinting entities in Lock Layers method

60000336 Keep vdDimension Block when open DXF DWG drawings

Category: Wish

Keep vdDimension Block when open Dxf/Dwg drawings

60000329 Multi Page Print on PDF.

Category: Wish

Multi Page Print on PDF.

60000340 Events and PrintPreview dialog in VB6

Category: General

When the PrintPreview dialog is active events (like DrawAfter) do not fire, and this only happens in VB6 when you are in debug mode.