VDF Articles

Returned 1606 results listed below

Howto General Wish All

60000349 During printing the DrawAfter Event fires multiple times with render.PrinterMode PRINT_PRINTER

Category: HowTo

Using vdProControl in C# and during printing the DrawAfter Event fires multiple times with render.PrinterMode = PRINT_PRINTER

60000342 Lock Layers Changes and new implementations.

Category: Wish

Selectinting entities in Lock Layers method

60000336 Keep vdDimension Block when open DXF DWG drawings

Category: Wish

Keep vdDimension Block when open Dxf/Dwg drawings

60000329 Multi Page Print on PDF.

Category: Wish

Multi Page Print on PDF.

60000340 Events and PrintPreview dialog in VB6

Category: General

When the PrintPreview dialog is active events (like DrawAfter) do not fire, and this only happens in VB6 when you are in debug mode.

60000341 Select entities from a point (four methods)

Category: HowTo

Select entities that are in locked/unlocked layers from a single point.

60000308 How can I make my own CAB and also use my own resourses (several languages)

Category: HowTo

How can I make my own CAB and also change the language (resources)

60000330 Export the Contours, ContourLevels of GroundSurface object to the professional.tlb

Category: Wish

Export Contours, ContourLevels so they can used under Delphi

60000331 Export a method to Clear the Redo stack

Category: Wish

Export a method to Clear the Redo stack

60000317 vdLight's Intensity enum "Midium" has a spelling mistake

Category: Wish

vdLight's Intensity enum "Midium" has a spelling mistake