VDF Articles
Returned 1606 results listed below
60000322 Version 6 dialogs to be available in Wrapper component
Category: WishVersion 6 dialogs to be available in Wrapper component: - Textstyles dialog - External references dialog - Image definition dialog - Light dialog
60000323 A property to control that the methods and properties of VectorDraw Wrapper will ignore the deleted items or not.
Category: WishA property to control if methods and properties of VectorDraw Wrapper ignores the deleted items or not.
60000326 FileError doesn't get correct values
Category: WishFileError doesn't get the correct values when the VDF file is missing or is damaged.
60000312 WCS icon compatible with version 5.x
Category: Wish Is there a way to get the functionality of the wcs icon from v5 back.
60000316 User Commands do not work correctly after opening VDI/VDF files
Category: GeneralUser commands do not work correct (like cmdline) after opening specific VDI/VDF files
60000309 PolyFace and facelist color
Category: HowToPolyFace and facelist color change from version 5 to the new version 6
60000304 How to overcome focus problem when you want to show a modal dialog after a DblClick event of vdraw.
Category: HowToIn Wrapper when DblClick occurs the modal form that is shown in this event's handler do not have the focus.
60000301 Degree symbol for Angular Units to be displayed as char(176)
Category: WishDegree symbol for Angular Units to be displayed as char(176) and not as d.