VDF Articles

Returned 1606 results listed below

Howto General Wish All

60000302 A property to get the DEVMODE structure properties of a Printerexport

Category: Wish

A property to get the DEVMODE structure  properties of a Printerexport

60000295 Get the file error type when save/saveas fail

Category: Wish

Get the file error type when save/saveas fail in Wrapper 6.x component.

60000235 Gradient fill in hatches

Category: Wish

Gradient fill in hatches

60000296 How can I get all the collors that are used in a drawing (visible entities)

Category: HowTo

I want to get the colors from entities that are drawn in the screen !

60000285 Point parameters, in commands

Category: Wish

When I used the command MOVE or COPY when the software asked for the parameters MOVE TO POINT (or COPY TO POINT),I could to type only a value (for example: 2000>) and the entity moved itself of 2000 to the cursor. Can this be done in the VDF Wrapper ?

60000286 Add AddAttrib and BHatch command to Wrapper

Category: Wish

Add AddAttrib of CommandAction and BHatch command to Wrapper

60000287 AddPolyline in Wrapper to work with array of xyz values.

Category: Wish

AddPolyline in Wrapper to work with array of xyz values as in version 5. Like : ReDim arrpt(8) arrpt(0) = 57947.8601004493 arrpt(1) = 34588.1562160824 arrpt(2) = -369.6237 arrpt(3) = 57947.8601004493 arrpt(4) = 34588.1562160824 arrpt(5) = -371.1237 arrpt(6) = 57951.4017716887 arrpt(7) = 34586.5047076608 arrpt(8) = -371.1237 Set vPoly = vdpro.ActiveDocument.entities.AddPolyline(arrpt)

60000288 Width property of TextStyle in Wrapper 6.x to work as WidthFactor property of Version

Category: Wish

Width property of TextStyle in Wrapper 6.x to work as WidthFactor property of Version 6 .NET controls.

60000290 Diameter symbol to be displayed as in ACAD

Category: HowTo

Diameter symbol to be displayed as in ACAD

60000292 GetBoundaryPolyFromPoint Method in Wrapper 6.x

Category: Wish

Is it possible to call the GetBoundaryPolyFromPoint method from the wrapper? I need this method in javascript.